Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Grandpa's Perspective

   Considering this is my first foray into Blogistan, I thought I would relate a revelation that overtook me as I was venturing to my car on this beautiful Colorado afternoon.  I love being a grandpa!  Last Saurday, on December 31, 2011, my grandson Liam Jones Blair turned two.  For all of you who aren't recent parents or haven't had toddlers in your home for a while, I ask you to wrap your mind around what that must be like.     
   First of all, you are short, remarkably short.  The dog might be taller than you. 
   Secondly (and I'm only speculating here) your worldview is somewhat skewed--and I don't mean your perspective from just two-and-a-half feet above terra firma.  Everything is a partial mystery, and you're okay with that!  Why?  Because you are in the figuring-out business and from all recent evidence you're pretty good at it.  Every time you dope out something correctly someone seems to be there to tell you how smart you are.
   "Look at the big brain on Liam."
   And don't forget the love coefficient.  Everybody is crazy about you.  Speaking from my unbiased position as grandpa, I can't even look at the kid without a stupid grin on my face and every care I brought into the room evaporating.  I can't imagine living two years of my life with that kind of power.  But he seems to be handling it with grace.
   So here's the deal.  There I was at this party in my grandson's honor.  I'm pretty sure he didn't have a strong grasp that this was all for his benefit.  I say this because I watched him at Christmas and even though he had a blast (the boy likes trucks, vrooom!), he wasn't totally aware that this particular day would have significance for the rest of his life.  Shoot, every day probably has elements of specialness (I'm pretty sure that is a word; look it up) in the life of a two-year old.  But at his birthday, there was a new factor that didn't exist at Christmas--other two and three year olds.
   My God, they were everywhere--cousins, daycare friends, children belonging to neighbors.  The first to arrive was a friend from daycare.  I watched transfixed as Liam greeted her by wobbling over to her and poking at her face.  She, in turn, accepted this as a normal manner of saying hello.  I couldn't help but feel that this small girl child was more civilized than many adults I know.  Perhaps we should all greet one another by touching visages.  I, for one, intend to try it.
    When the last of the of the tiny humans made their appearance (all told there would be five; I know I gave the impression there was an army, but five just filled all my senses to saturation), I was in heaven.  I was a grandpa.  I could just stand and marvel at these alien and lovable creatures with no real responsibility.  Food in hair--okay with me.  Sit on the dog's face--sure thing.  Take all your guest's party hats and put them on your head--what could be more natural and charming.
   Well, I could go on and on about this grandpa thing and probably will in future posts, but for now I'll have mercy on those of you who aren't as enamored with grandchildren as I am.  One last observation, I have yet to see this terrible two thing.  I'm pretty sure it's just a myth.


  1. Bob, I've been a grand parent for 8 years now. 1 boy (8 yrs) and 1 girl (6 yrs). The terrible two's is a myth only in so far as you believe it only happens at 2 years old and that it only lasts until their third birthday. As a parent we are pretty much limited in the quality time we have to spend with our children because of work/support obligations to our families. These duties also, tend to limit our tolerance levels with our kids. When we are home (not working) we look for that "peace and quiet" time to mentally and physically prepare for tomorrows repeat of today. It's a shame that this happens but it seems to be a fact of life that most of us have to endure. BUT, as a grandparent our tolerance levels are much higher with those beautiful babies. We now have time to watch them learn and grow. At this point most of us are retired from the jobs that fed our families and are doing things that feed our fancies. This "slow down" affords us the time and tolerance to enjoy our grandchildren and appreciate them. My sons always scoff me when I allow my grands to "get away" with things they were brought to task for. It's "payback" time for us. We spoil them and then send them home. We all need to remember that they are just "little people" but they have their own minds. We need to try to never stifle their thoughts. They too, have a right to an opinion. But, because it's their opinion doesn't make them right. It's our job, with their parents, to guide them through life. Hopefully in a direction that will allow them to have wings.

  2. Welcome to Blogistan! I love your writing so much, I'd read your grocery lists, if only you would post them.


  3. Love this post. So you. And I personally think the terrible two thing is wrong. All they do is get more fun & they can finally start to express how they feel.

  4. Robert, I think it's great that you've started a blog and also that you love being a Grandparent. Your post was very entertaining. Hope to read more.
